Siu-Li Engineers RI's Renaissance
Jonathan Pitts-Wiley's lens at The Slate Studio reveals both vision and pragmatism in Siu-Li Khoe's thoughtful gaze. Where 400 miles of coastline meet 700 miles of rivers, she sees more than just a picturesque landscape. She sees potential for innovation, community, and a new kind of prosperity that goes beyond traditional economic metrics.
Born in the Netherlands and raised in Vancouver, Siu-Li's journey to Rhode Island is as diverse as the connections she now weaves in her adopted home. "I've always lived by the water," she reflects, her voice carrying the warmth of fond memories. "I learned my English in Vancouver, Canada. So when I came to the States, I said things like Zed and PRO-cess instead of process."
This multicultural background has shaped Siu-Li's unique perspective on leadership and community development. "I've always been interested in the interconnectivity of things," Siu-Li explains. "Whether that's people or subjects, I find those are places for connection and connectivity and creativity." describing her passion for interconnectivity.
This fascination with connections has led Siu-Li down a winding career path, from engineering to virtual reality and now to her role as a leader in Rhode Island's economic development. But no matter where her journey takes her, one thing remains constant – her commitment to seeing the bigger picture.
"I have a background in engineering. It is a systems type of engineering," she says, leaning forward with intensity. "So you look at, I looked at the body, and I said, if I can model the body better, if I understand how the body works from the perspectives that we have, then I can make a better diagnosis of what's going on."
This system's thinking approach isn't just for the human body. Siu-Li applies the same principle to communities, especially her beloved Rhode Island. "I think the same thing about a community," she explains. "If you think about and listen to the community, it's super diverse, which is lovely. I love that. It's very tied to the water."
As Siu-Li speaks about Rhode Island, her passion is palpable. She sees the state not just for what it is but for what it could be. "I think Rhode Island is a perfect testing ground for new kinds of economics," she says, her eyes sparkling with possibility. "Because we are small, we are connected, we are close to larger metropolis areas that could adopt things that we try."
But Siu-Li's vision for Rhode Island goes beyond traditional economic growth. She challenges the status quo, questioning whether GDP growth is the best measure of a community's success.
"I think that the economic system is broken," she admits, her voice tinged with concern. "Our current economic metrics are GDP growth. But what that forces is– it forces consumerism, it forces this more and more and more mindset, and it doesn't look at a healthy community, and does everyone have a living wage?"
Instead, Siu-Li advocates for a more holistic approach to community well-being. She speaks enthusiastically about countries that measure gross national happiness, the importance of sustainable food systems, and redefining education success beyond just college attendance rates.
"How can we measure how well we're doing at school?" she ponders. "It's more about tracking people from schools and certifications into jobs. Are people coming out of high school and finding that meaningful next step?"
Siu-Li reflects on what keeps her motivated in the face of challenges. Her answer is simple yet profound: her children and her belief in the power of small actions to create big change.
"I feel like every human being is definitely ‘together,’ sometimes little things that they do individually can have ripples to help make the community a better place, to help this earth be okay," she says, her voice filled with conviction.
As Jonathan captures these final moments, Siu-Li's conviction about Rhode Island's future radiates through each frame. In her vision for Rhode Island, we see a future where economic success is measured not just in dollars but in the happiness and well-being of its people. It's a future where diversity is celebrated, sustainability is prioritized, and everyone can contribute meaningfully to their community.
As she continues her work, creating connections and fostering innovation across the state, Siu-Li Khoe stands proof of what's possible when we dare to think differently, see the interconnectivity of all things, and work tirelessly for a future that benefits all. In the end, her story isn't one that's personal, it entirely depends on the potential for an entire community to thrive when we reimagine what prosperity truly means.